Will You Just Follow The Crowd?
In 1951, a psychologist by the name of Solomon Asch conducted a rather unnerving experiment. It showed that reason and logic are much less important factors in human decision making than one might assume.
In 1951, a psychologist by the name of Solomon Asch conducted a rather unnerving experiment. It showed that reason and logic are much less important factors in human decision making than one might assume.
On Friday, June 24, 2022, The United States Supreme Court explicitly overruled earlier Court decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
We all adhere to a certain set of values and have opinions about a wide variety of subjects. But do we consider the way in which we express these?
Salvador Ramos, an 18-year-old in Uvalde Texas, entered Robb Elementary school on May 24, 2022 and opened fire killing at least 19 children – children averaging 10 years of age and two teachers.
Today, many express grave concerns about the directions their nations are heading in. They see leaders make puzzling decisions that fly in the face of common sense.
It is a fact that human life consists of a limited amount of time and then it ends. A great deal of emphasis is placed on ideals such as wealth, status, attractiveness and personal comfort. What truly matters?
Should we care about what happened in the past? As any good time-travel movie will tell you, changing the past is a very difficult thing to do.
"Doomscrolling" is a term now being applied to describe the obsessive behaviour of spending massive amounts of time scrolling through negative news.
Years ago, a television ad posed the question, "If you’re going nowhere today, where will you be tomorrow?" I was impressed by its message since, as a young teen, I was at that age where the mind starts to mature and focus more on the future.
As much of the world shut down in favour of "14-days to flatten the curve," many predictions were given that 9 months later, our hospitals would reach capacity in a different way—from a shut-down inspired baby-boom.
Throughout western society and even most of the world, we hunger for freedom. There is a seemingly endless pursuit for human rights and freedoms.
Historically, most youth have showed respect for their elders through simple gestures such as standing up when an elder enters a room or offering them a seat on public transportation. It was taken for granted as the thing to do.