
The Land of the Lazy

Has the United States turned from the Home of the Brave into the Land of the Lazy? Although the causes vary, worker shortages are abundant in many nations.

Canada's Opioid Epidemic

You likely remember the slogan, “Just say no to drugs.” It seems simple enough. The message that drugs are destructive is one that most would agree with.

Depression: The Underrated Modern Plague

Great plagues have ravaged populations throughout man's history. These plagues afflict rich and poor alike--they do not discriminate. One study set the cost of depression and anxiety to Canada at nearly $50 billion annually.

Inquisition and Activism

The inquisition of the medieval period was a brutal time, when a religious organization went to brutal lengths to persecute any people they deemed not to be in agreement with their own world view.

DNA: Pointing to Intelligence

On April 25, 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick published a paper that would forever alter our understanding of life and give cause to question leading theories on how we came into existence.