
Sowing the Wind

I admit it! I'm a weather junkie. I follow reports on the weather carefully and check the Weather Channel often to see what is going on in different parts of the country and the world.

Who Was Haile Selassie?

There is an ancient prophecy that foretells of a kingly dynasty that shall never be abolished, a dynasty that was to come from the hereditary line of King David. Ethiopians claim this lineage today – by way of their former Emperor.

Where Do Christmas Traditions Come From?

Tradition has the power to make common those things which, upon even a little contemplation, are peculiar or outright bizarre. Practices that seem to have nothing to do with the event at hand can be considered essential elements.

Is it a Conspiracy?

For thousands of years, mankind has been fascinated with the roles of real or imagined conspiracies in the lives of individuals and societies. It's no different today.

Nihilism: Refuge of Those Without Hope

Years ago, a television ad posed the question, "If you’re going nowhere today, where will you be tomorrow?" I was impressed by its message since, as a young teen, I was at that age where the mind starts to mature and focus more on the future.