Current Events

A New Reserve Currency?

Could the Euro, Yuan, Bitcoin or some new currency we've never even heard of become the next "world reserve currency?" Who decided that the US Dollars would be the reserve currency anyways and what does it actually do in that role?

Develop a Family Disaster Plan

Are you prepared for an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, ice storm, power outage, flood, or even a terrorist attack either forcing you out of your home or to remain at home without power or water? Do you have a family disaster plan?

Hollywood and Gun Violence

The frequency of mass shootings in the United States has increased dramatically in recent years, during the same period of time in which depictions of gun violence in the movies have also increased.

More Inflation on the Horizon?

You don’t have to have a degree in economics to recognize inflation. Just go to the grocery store, retail store, gas station, or shop online, and you discover higher prices. What are some of the many factors that contribute to this phenomenon?

Don't Think It Can't Happen Here

Much of the world has been watching the invasion and destruction of Ukraine by Russia these few months. Despite the buildup of forces on Ukraine’s borders beforehand, many did not think it would actually happen—a quirk of human nature.

Follow the Science

We hear an urgent plea these days, to "follow the science." Science is promoted as the guardian of all things truthful and factual. The mantra seems to be, "If science says it is so, it is so." But just how reliable is "science"?

The History of Marxism

Nations today are grappling to overcome riots and protests that wage war against the foundations of our society. As our history is rewritten to the narrative of leftist ideologies, we ought to pause and think.

A Disastrous Season of Discontent

Violent crime and angry protest are growing problems in cities across North America and the world. What is behind the increasing trend towards violence an lawless behavior? Is there a solution?