Current Events

Is it a Conspiracy?

For thousands of years, mankind has been fascinated with the roles of real or imagined conspiracies in the lives of individuals and societies. It's no different today.

A Snapshot in Time

It was just a faded snapshot, a long-forgotten picture of a grandfather and his three sons, leaning on their vintage car in front of the family's farmhouse. It must have been about 1933 or 1934.

COVID-19 Could Have Been Prevented: This is HOW!

As we experience vacant streets, closed shopping outlets, eerily quiet playgrounds, the outcry for self-isolation, social distancing and the current economic instability will undoubtedly result in an unspeakable rise in depression.

Freedom From Thought

There was a time, not all that long ago, when society assumed and expected that universities, and especially disciplines within the humanities, would expose a student to a deep pool of knowledge, and encourage the learner to think, debate and defe

Are Cities Going To Starve Us?

It is common to hear older individuals quipping that "kids these days don’t even know where food really comes from”,that “they think it just comes from the grocery store." As metropolitan areas like Vancouver, Edmo

How to Fix the Economy?

How would you fix the economy? Libraries could be filled with the written works of those trying to solve this problem. Could we fix the economy with just four simple words?